
Kundli or Rashifal is an astrological chart which is prepared on the basis of exact date of birth, place and time of birth. This chart determines the positions of various planets, zodiac signs, Sun and Moon, astrological aspects and other important information at the time of the child's birth. A skilled astrologer often prepares a horoscope. He determines the local time and place of birth to calculate the rising and ascending stars of the native. It provides insight into a person's personality, past, future and present.

A horoscope is divided into 12 houses along with other planets and zodiac signs. The first house starts from the ascendant and the rest of the houses are counted in the anticlockwise direction. These houses have a fixed position for a person and the planets move from one house to another for specific periods, thereby helping in predicting various aspects of the person. Each house in the horoscope represents a different aspect of life such as relationships, career and many more.

With precise birth location, date and time of birth, you can get to know about your future.
  • With precise birth location, date and time of birth, you can get to know about your future.
  • You can have detail information about your personal traits, career, relationships, finances and other aspects of life.
  • You can find a perfect soul-mate with the help of kundli.
  • You can predict your lucky color, lucky gemstone and lucky number with your Kundli.
  • You can have the information about your favorable and unfavorable time frames of life.
  • It provides you information about your weaknesses and strengths.

Online Birth Journal

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